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Tribes 1 Tactics
Strategy Name: Dynamic Duo
Mod: Any (Havok preferred)
# of Players required: 2
Map: Any
Submitted by: {TO}HAWK
This is a very effective tactic with just the cooperation of two members to capture the flag or just base rape (means destroy enemy base) One player needs to get in heavy armor with an ammo pack and the other player needs to get into light or medium armor, prefered engineer if playing in a havok mod. The engineer or light armor needs to carry a repair pack and have some ammo available to supply the heavy amored player, now if you are in a havok server use engineer so you can fly an HPC over to the enemy base if needed, in any other mod just use light armor so you can fly your heavy amored friend over to the enemy base. Remember the name of this tactic just in case a member calls it during a battle.

Strategy Name: Death From Below
Mod: (Preferably Havok or Renegades Base)
# of Players required: 1 (better and faster with 2)
Map: Scarabrae, Rollercoaster, Raindance, Snowblind (any map with hills)
Submitted by: {TO}Primus
This is probably the best defense next to sheer force. What you do: get engineer armor and an inventory station, and go set up behind a large hill. Grab a laser turret and set it up behind that hill right infront of the base in scarabrae. go back to the inv station and do the same thing, but remember to keep the turrets within visual range of each other cuz if some wize ass gets a mortar gun and starts flanking the turrets, there's the second turret to worry about. and u keep doing this until u have a chain of about 7 or 8 laser turrets, each within visual range of the next. if anyone or any THING tries to cross that hill...."Deathgrip gets a laser blast to the brain from {TO]Primus's laser turret" any problems, let me know, ill be glad to clarify.

Strategy Name: --Empty--
Mod: --Empty--
# of Players required: --Empty--
Map: --Empty--
Submitted by: --Empty--